You may receive a Windows Error Code 0x80070643 while installing certain applications on Windows 11/10/8/7. Some users face this error while installing .NET Framework or other programs. This post will show you how you can try and fix this Windows error. At the end of the installation you may receive an error message: These programs could not be installed.

Error 0x80070643, These programs couldn’t be installed
I suggest you try the following steps to redress the issue:
Make sure your .NET Framework is up-to-date and try again.
If that does not help, use Microsoft .NET Framework Setup Cleanup Tool to remove your.NET versions.
If you find that your green animation bar progresses up to a certain stage and reverses back again, the installation has again failed. You may or may not get an Error Code 0x80070643 at the end. This may occur when the installers have insufficient privileges to modify a file or a folder.
To resolve this issue, Open Explorer and go through Organize > Folder Options > View > Choose to show hidden and system files & folders.
Next, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IdentityCRL and take ownership of this folder. You can add this Take ownership command easily using our Ultimate Windows Tweaker.
Try again now. It should work!
If it occurs for any other software, download and install its current version of the software, and use your junk registry cleaner like say, CCleaner to clear residual registry entries. Try to install it again using the Installer this time.