Popular streaming apps like Netflix and Amazon Prime keep a running list of movies, dramas you’ve watched recently. So, if you are struggling to remember the movie name you’ve watched recently and would like to recommend it to your friends, switch to Netflix Viewing Activity. The setting allows you to see the TV shows and movies that you’ve watched on each profile of your account.
See Netflix Viewing History
Many people are unaware that Netflix logs your viewing history, a.k.a. activity. It is hidden under the service’s account page options. Here’s how you can access and download it, if necessary.
- Sign-in your Netflix account
- Go to Accounts
- Open the Profile & Parental Controls
- Check Viewing activity
- Select Hide or Download all.
You can easily access view and download your history if it hasn’t been removed from the catalog due to licensing agreements.
1] Open the Profile & Parental Controls
Log in to Netflix on your PC.
Navigate your mouse cursor in the top right corner, over your account image until the drop-down menu appears.
Choose ‘Account’, and then scroll down to the ‘My Profile’ section to select ‘Viewing Activity’.
2] Check Viewing activity
Your Profile page will load up a list of the content you’ve watched.
If you would like to see more of the history, press ‘Show More’ button residing at the bottom of the page.
Similarly, if you would like to download the history list, hit the ‘Download all’ button. It’ll download a spreadsheet to your computer that you can scroll through much faster.
The downloaded file can be opened using any spreadsheet software that supports the CSV file format.
To remove something from your viewing history click the ‘hide’ icon. It is adjacent to ‘Report a problem’ option and appears as a circle with a diagonal line inside it.
Once you’ve done this, Netflix will remove the title and stop using it to recommend other titles. However, if you watch it again, you’ll have to repeat the process!
Also, see our post on 10 useful Netflix tips, tricks, and hacks.