If you have liked the color and would like to know its HTML, HEX, RGB, CMYK and HSV values, then portable freeware Pixie may be able to help you. Quite often, we need to identify a color on a web page or in an application, so that we can use it on our blogs or apps as well. In such a case, we need to make use of tools like Pixie to identify the color codes.
Pixie color picker for PC
Pixie app would be especially useful if you are a web designer or a graphic artist and are usually hunting for nice colors on your screen that you would like to use.
Simply run Pixie, point to the color and it will tell you the HTML, HEX, RGB, CMYK and HSV values of color.
You can then use these values to reproduce the color in your favorite programs.
Pixie also shows the current X/Y position of your mouse.
Visit Home Page.
You may also want to check out some other free color picker software here.
How do you find out what HEX code a color is?
There are many ways to find out the HEX code of color on a Windows computer. For example, you can use Photoshop or any other professional image editing tool to get the job done. However, if you want, you can use Pixie on your computer. It is a free color picker software that you can use on Windows 11/10 PC.
Is HEX code RGB or CMYK?
HEX code can be used in RGB as well as CMYK without any problem. For your information, you can use the HEX code to identify any color in any format. The typical form of a HEX is a few letters along with digits. In most cases, it is a combination of six letters and digits.